Friday, 17 February 2012

Arne Duncan: Windbag or Douchebag? by Mr. Teachbad

Arne Duncan

Last night I watched Jon Stewart’s inter­view with Sec­re­tary of Edu­ca­tion Arne Dun­can.
And it was just ter­ri­ble. Here is the link. He is the car­i­ca­ture of a crazy, zero inde­pen­dent thought, Wash­ing­ton, DC Talk­ing­Point Man. It’s amaz­ing how far that and an Ivy League degree can get you.
Though she has stopped return­ing my calls, I still con­sider Valerie Strauss my girl­friend and she had a great sum­mary of the interview.
But after let­ting the dis­gust from the ini­tial inter­view pass, and after remind­ing myself that this guy is the edu­ca­tion guy for a pres­i­dent I really like; here are my questions:
How engaged with edu­ca­tion pol­icy do you really think Obama is? Does he even know that Dun­can was on The Daily Show last night? Does he care?
Can the grow­ing dis­plea­sure of teach­ers with Dun­can be used in a way that mat­ters? Or are we stuck with the Dun­can Pup­pet danc­ing for the amuse­ment of Rhee and Gates for the next five years as our best-case scenario?
Just moments ago I joined Dump Dun­can on Face­book. You should, too.
Mr. Teach­bad
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